Day and night systems from Raymarine keep you aware of surrounding traffic, hazards, rain sea birds and much more. From compact and lightwight digital radomes, to ultra-high performance Super HD Color open arrays, Raymarine has the perfect radar solution for every boat.
Quantum Radar
Setting a new standard for solid state marine radar, Quantum delivers superior radar imaging on both long and extremely short ranges. Integrated Wi-Fi make installation easy and Quantum’s energy efficient and lightweight design provides safe radiated emissions and reduced power consumption.
Marine Radome Antennas
Radome antennas are the perfect blend of compact size, light weight and high performance. Choose a radome antenna when space is a premium or restricted by rigging. Radome scanners also consume less power than open array scanners which is essential for long-distance cruising sailboats.
Open Array Radar
The choice of mid to large-sized powerboats and sailing vessels, open array radar scanners deliver higher sensitivity, better target detection and improved target separation. Open array systems are available with 4kW or 12kW transmitters for exceptional performance at all ranges.